What is a Reading?

Welcome! Thank you for your interest in a clairvoyant reading.

In a clairvoyant reading, I look at you as Spirit and provide communication, from a place of validation, about what I see that has been affecting you in an area of your life. Through this communication, you gain a deeper sense of clarity, insight, and understanding. This deeper understanding creates space to let go of limiting beliefs and patterns so that you can create a new way of relating to your life that’s in alignment with who you are.

Readings are shared from a grounded, validating, compassionate, and amused space. We can look at any area of your life including family, career, relationships, health, spiritual path, life purpose, loved ones who have transitioned, and much more.

Reading Benefits Include

  • Gaining more clarity, certainty, and understanding in an area of your life
  • Gaining more vitality, energy, and feelings of health and wellbeing
  • Feeling more like yourself
  • Becoming more aware of your own information – your soul’s groove or soul’s voice
  • Experiencing validation and clarity of purpose

Scheduling Information

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