The Healing Series: Level I


The Healing Series is a traditional clairvoyant training program with an emphasis on healing. Healing is the process of returning to wholeness or returning to that which is not divided. It is the process of letting go of the divisions (pictures) in your mind which make up the ego so that can experience yourself more as the undivided Spirit you are. In this series of classes, you will continue to develop and use your clairvoyant ability to heal yourself and to discover the truth beyond the illusion of the way things may seem to be.

In the first class of each month, you will clairvoyantly take a look at a topic(s)/space(s) within yourself to discover what this space is about and what kind of energies, pictures, and limits make up this space. Then, you will heal this space and update it to present time with the qualities of energies you would rather have.

The second class of the month will focus on your reading skills. In this class, you will practice reading the topic in a classmate as a line reading so that you can heal yourself more deeply in this area by blowing your matching pictures. It’s win-win. You get a healing and so does your classmate

Topics covered in this series include:

  • September – Read and Heal Your Aura
  • October – Read and Heal Your Chakras
  • November – Relationship and Career Spaces
  • December – The Astral
  • January – Creative Rings, Personal Power, and Energy Checks
  • February – Contracts/Agreements and Healing the Body
  • March – Guides, Angels, and Out-of-Body Beings
  • April – Clearing Beings and Core Pictures
  • May – Programming/Deprogramming and Erasure


  • This series runs on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month from September 4, 2024 through May 21, 2025.
  • The recordings of this series can be purchased anytime and completed as a self-study program for $45 per class plus 6% sales tax. For this series, classes must be purchased in the order they were taught.
  • Prerequisite – Maintain Peace Using Your Intuition Level I & II.
  • If you are interested in purchasing the recordings or if you have any questions regarding this series, please contact me.


  • Maintain Peace Using Your Intuition Levels I & II or Maintain Peace Using Your Intuition Level I and the Read and Heal Your Aura class.
  • If you are interested in this series but have not taken the prerequisites, you can purchase the unedited recordings of the last time I taught Level I & Level II and complete them as a self-study program prior to the start of this series.

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